Write Bug Reports
That Developers Love!

A simple checklist of the essential items to include in your bug reports.

Bookmark this. Your developer will love you.


Short and specific: a clear summary of the bug.

It should also be searchable, so developers can find it in a pinch.

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Tips on writing great titles:

1. Keep it simple, but descriptive.

2. Don’t abbreviate.

3. Make it searchable.

4. Focus on the technical problem.

5. Highlight the specific feature/component you have issues with.

Steps to reproduce

Describe how you found the bug, so the developer can try to reproduce it.

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Tips on writing reproducible steps:

1. Use a numbered list so it’s easy to follow.

2. This is your chance to be comprehensive and (reasonably) verbose. Don’t leave out any details!

Expected vs. actual results

Take some time to explain what should happen vs. what actually happened.

If you just describe the bug, some people might think you’re describing the expected behavior.

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Tips for writing expected vs. actual results:

1. Use a direct comparison format. For example, “The button should turn green” vs. “The button is turning blue”.

2. Be precise. Simply stating “it went wrong” instead of “the page loads indefinitely” means you are leaving out very valuable information!

Visual proof/screenshot

Screenshots and annotations help developers visualize the bug, and pinpoint its location on the page.

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Tips on taking great screenshots:

1. Annotations go a long way towards driving your point across.

2. Highlight the problematic element. Don’t be ambiguous.

3. Use big fonts, different colors, etc.—the bug needs to be even more obvious here than in your summary.

4. For complicated issues, record a short video! This adds a ton of helpful context when trying to reproduce bugs.


The urgency and potential impact of the bug. Determines how quickly it needs to be fixed.

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How to determine priority/severity:

1. Critical: blocking bugs that directly prevent business. Example: a checkout page not loading.

2. High: affects major features, but non-breaking. E.g.: the search bar on an e-commerce website.

3. Medium: noticeable bugs that disrupt normal use. E.g.: broken link, long loading times.

4. Low: small issues and enhancements: typos, missing images…


For developers to reproduce and fix your bug, they’ll need to know your browser version, screen size, operating system

Some bugs only occur within specific environments.

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How to find your environment info:

1. Browser and version: look for a “Help” or “About” option in your browser’s menu.

2. Operating system: on PC, press the Windows key + Pause/break. On a Mac, click the Apple logo and choose “About this Mac”.

3. Screen size: look in your computer’s display settings, or search online for “screen resolution” along with your device model.

Console logs

This is where your web browser shows errors or warnings.

Console logs can help developers figure out what went wrong.

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How to access your console logs:

1. Right-click the page, select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element”, then click on the “Console” tab.

2. Try to make the bug happen again and see if any messages pop up there.

'For a bug-free internet' labelCampfire
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